Good Hope Christian Preschool

Preschool (ages 4 & 5) gives children a head start before entering school. Children are taught by professionals in a safe, loving, Christ-centered environment. Scholarships are available.

Toddler Time (age 3) is an opportunity for children to begin learning social and classroom skills during this two day a week program.


Please fill out a registration form and return it to Good Hope Christian Preschool, 800 Moran Street, Oil City, PA 16301 Attention: Marcy Amero along with the $30 registration fee made out to Good Hope Lutheran Church as soon as possible.

We offer a Toddler Time class on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8:45-11:15am. An afternoon class from 12:15-2:30pm will be added if needed. Children need to be 3 years old by August 1, 2024 and able to manage themselves in all aspects of the restroom to enroll in Toddler Time. The cost of Toddler Time is $80 a month.

We are excited to announce that our preschool class will be a full day in the fall. Children will attend from 8:34am to 2:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday each week. Children will need to bring a packed lunch and a blanket/pillow for a short rest. During our full day program, we are able to expand the range of skills needed to enter kindergarten and incorporate STEM subjects into our curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). We will still offer the half day program that ends at 11:35am if needed. Children need to be 4 years old by August 1, 2024 and able to manage themselves in all aspects of the restroom to enroll in the Preschool class. The fee for the full day preschool is $195.00/month. Half day preschool is $90.00/month.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Thank you, Marcy Amero